Business Continuity Plan

Disclosure Statement

Ventum Financial (US) Corp. (Ventum US) will follow Ventum Financial Corp.’s Business Continuity Plan (BCP). As such the plan includes guidelines for the crisis management (Executive) team to react effectively and quickly to ensure the safety of its employees and to invoke the BCP on behalf of both Ventum US and Ventum Financial Corp.. Ventum Financial Corp. and Ventum US intend on staying in business following a business disruption. The BCP is based on a worst-case scenario thus eliminating the postulation of lesser case disruptions. Key business dependent technology components have been co-located into a “hardened” back-up site. Essential business staff would relocate to the alternate back-up site. In the BCP, critical business processes have been defined by each of our Business Recovery team leaders, who are responsible for maintenance and overseeing the recovery process of the relevant department.

The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is currently targeted at 24 hours or less for critical systems such as Trading, Institutional Sales, Operations, Credit, and Accounting. Other functions that will not have an immediate impact on ongoing business such as Corporate Finance and Compliance have a targeted RTO of 48 hours or less. Testing of the BCP concept, first documented in July 2004, takes place annually.

Key contacts in the case of significant business disruption:

D. Andy Murray

Chief Financial Officer
Phone #: 604 664 3665

Richard W. Thomas

Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer
Phone #: 604 664 3617

The Ventum US website will also contain contact information and updates in an instance of a significant business disruption:

Ventum Financial Corp.

In the case of a significant business disruption our clients may also contact Ventum US’s parent, Ventum Financial Corp. Ventum Financial Corp.’s BCP contact information is as follows:

D. Andy Murray

Phone #: 604 664 3665